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About Cody's Corner


My name is Stephanie. Cody’s Corner is the heart of my soul. At a young age, my parents became foster parents, caring for children who needed a place to call home. I learned what it was like to be around children with different disabilities, including a dear friend that I grew up with that had down syndrome, who has since passed.

In 2003 I graduated from the University of New Mexico with a degree in Elementary Education with a minor in English. When my son Cody was six years old, I began working closely with families from the state of New Mexico as a Service Coordinator, where I oversaw the Respite Program and served on the board for the Human Rights Committee. As part of my responsibilities, I visited individual's homes each month to make certain they were being properly cared for to offer help to the whole family. I loved the families like they were my own.


In 2016 my new home became Arizona.  I knew I wanted to continue working with disabled individuals, so I began my journey to open Cody's Corner.

I formed Cody's Corner in August of  2017 with a desire to take my passion for assisting adults with their unique challenges in the utmost kind and compassionate way. I have over 14 years of experience in the industry and know the level of commitment, heart and compassion required to service these amazing individuals.


To provide training and services for members who have various developmental disabilities in order to achieve a quality of life which supports and enhances a member’s independence, self esteem, self worth, mutual respect, value and dignity while building bridges and enhancing relationships within the communities we service.


We are all sons and daughters with loving family members and/or providers. Every person has someone who cares about his or her well being. Cody's Corner creates a culture of mutual love and respect towards staff and members. We encourage an environment of inclusion which builds others up. Being different means making a difference.


Cody's Corner is a licensed qualified vendor contracted for services with the Division of Developmental Disabilities through the State of Arizona's Department of Economic Security. Our qualified employees are well trained with all necessary certifications and cleared backgrounds to service individuals with developmental disabilities. 

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"Go take care of those angels!" is my mom's favorite words to say to me.

Cody’s Corner would not have become my reality without the love and support of my loving parents and my amazing son Cody! Without the love and sacrifice they demonstrated while I was pursuing this dream, I could not have succeeded without them pushing me to succeed!!
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MONDAY - FRIDAY   8:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Tours Available,  Contact Owner/Supervisors


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Cody 1 Location

5656 South Power Road, Suite C138

Gilbert, AZ, 85295

Cody 2 Location

5656 South Power Road, Suite B116

Gilbert, AZ, 85295

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  • Stephanie Lucas  (505) 359-0728

Administrator/Direct Support Professional:

  • Cody Komadina (505) 359-8554

Supervisor (Cody 1):

  • Angela "Gela" Krasa (480) 468-3127

Supervisor (Cody 2):

  • Irma DeHerrera (720) 435-5362

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